Join me in Online &
Live Courses &
Workshops to drive
your growth to
the next level.
Hold That Thought Fundamentals

Want to build more clarity, peace, and joy?
In Hold That Thought Fundamentals, my companion online course to her book, Hold That Thought, you'll learn over twenty tools to gain mastery over your thinking by becoming a student of your mind.
Pinpoint Beliefs Bringing You Down
Learn strategies to identify the beliefs driving your emotions and behavior so you can cut through the clutter, unravel hidden fears, and understand your patterns.
Question Your Thinking
Learn to unravel your suffering by asking simple questions. You'll understand the source of your beliefs and question whether they're serving you. When you recognize what's not working, you can shift to a mindset that nourishes vitality.
Restore Your Peace
The clarity, calm, and joy you've been looking for are not "out there." Learn to master your mind, reconnect with yourself, come home to your center, and experience the peace you've been yearning for your whole life.
Freedom of the Pen

Want to be able to find freedom from your limiting beliefs no matter where you are?
In Freedom of the Pen, I'll guide you step by step through the process of Inquiry she uses daily to unravel herself out of anxiety, depression, frustration, or indecision. I'll give you a deep, intimate peek into her journal, where she'll show you some of her entries, stressful thoughts, and the tools she uses to shift her mindset.
Rant Your Way to Identifying Your Stressors
Write out the story around what's bothering you and learn how to unpack that story, find the beliefs causing you upset, and set yourself up for an honest process of Inquiry.
Ask the Questions that Free Your Mind
Learn to ask the key questions that will help you uncover how you can experience more joy and less frustration no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.
Take Action on Your Clarity
Gain insights into your key areas for growth and discover the steps you can take to build confidence, live authentically, repair relationships, and go for what you've always wanted.
Slay Your Dragons
Live Online Program

I experienced the greatest exploration, growth, and blossoming during my years learning and applying transformational tools with a circle of friends. The same has consistently been true in my live and online courses, workshops, and retreats. That's why I offer Slay Your Dragons to readers, clients, and students from around the world who want to dig deep and learn to apply the tools I teach in Hold That Thought and Inner Voices in a supportive environment.
Gain Clarity of Thought
Every mission starts with vision. Through visualization and writing exercises, you'll hone in on your goals and clarify steps for making them happen. You'll learn tools to clear your mind, keep you on track, and stay focused. And the group will have your back every step of the way!
Learn Tools to Break Through Barriers
If you're like most of us, you know you could be experiencing more peace and joy, doing more with your talents, and soaking up more from life. In this program, you'll learn practical tools too unravel and shift the beliefs blocking you from what you're capable.
Grow with Community Support
In Group Coaching, we create a safe space that quickly helps you to get real, vulnerable, and honest. Because of the deep work we do together, Group Coaching participants build strong bonds that last well beyond the length of the program, Your fellow participants will offer you a listening ear, practice buddies, enthusiastic support, and accountability to keep you on track.
Money Mindset Madness
The 21-Day Challenge that'll Totally Shift the Way You Think about, Relate to, and Use Money
Taught by Dave and Chana Mason

Most money beliefs are hidden beneath the surface of our consciousness. We picked up beliefs as kids from our families, communities, and schools, yet rarely took the time to consciously study or question them. Do you fear money or math? Do you detest wealthy people? Do you think you’re undeserving or too pious to accrue riches? Do you see yourself as a passive player in the money game? In this course we'll teach you how to identify, question, and shift the beliefs holding you back. Once you’ve freed yourself from the mindset that once brought you stress, debt, and closed-mindedness, You'll learn how to build serious abundance!
Unearth Your Baggage
During Week 1 of the challenge, we’ll teach you strategies to unearth your core money beliefs. You’ll track them back to their source and identify the people or circumstances that inspired you to believe what you do. Once you know what beliefs are blocking your comfort and ease with making, managing, and spending money, you’ll be ready to get the refuse out of the way.
Remove the Decay
During Week 2, you’ll work on the beliefs holding you back from achieving your financial goals. Together, we’ll apply powerful techniques to free you of these beliefs. You’ll learn how to build a mindset open to abundance.
Boost Your Future
During Week 3, we’ll explore power orientations used by those who have the most financial success. You’ll learn practical steps you can take to boost your relationship to money and your ability to make, enjoy, and share loads more of it!
Live Workshops & Retreats

My passion for learning and growth are only surpassed by my enthusiasm for sharing what I've applied to my own life and used to support others in their journeys.
Though I love teaching online, where I can reach people in multiple continents at once, there's nothing like the energy we can create together live. Distractions can be set aside, we can focus on self-care, learning, and growth, and be boosted with strength and courage to face life head-on.
I've run workshops for men and women from their teens to their eighties, lay people and mental health professionals alike. I most enjoy helping people grow while also infusing movement, play, and laughter into live events. My experience as a theatrical director, NLP practitioner, Laughter Yoga instructor, and fun gal make for delightful events!
I offer multiple opportunities for us to work together in person. I'm available to teach in North and South America, Israel, Europe, South Africa, and Australia. Feel free to be in touch about how I can serve you and your community of friends, colleagues, students, or clients.
Four to Twelve Week Personal Growth
and Goal-Setting Workshops in Israel
Have a group interested in learning tools to improve relationships, get past blocks, build clarity, and experience more joy and peace? Contact me to book a workshop!
Intensive 1-5 day Retreats Globally
Want to be infused with exorbitant fun, relaxing meditation & yoga, and deep personal growth? I'm available to run retreats in English or Spanish anywhere in the globe.
Intensive Methodology Workshops for
Coaches & Therapists
Want to learn how to apply Chana's unique tools for Inquiry and Personal Development into your own therapeutic practice? Be in touch!