Breakthrough Blocks, Gain Clarity, and Transform Your Life!
Join the next 8-week program starting May 1st, 2022 on Sundays 9-11am EST
Learn to SLAY YOUR DRAGONS and cultivate Clarity, Peace, and Joy with the Support of a Dedicated Community!
Want to take ownership over your emotional life, but can't imagine going it alone?
People pay me tens of thousands of dollars to coach them out of stuck places and into mindsets that support their life goals, so they can manifest their dreams and live joyfully.
Are you feeling stilted, knowing that you could be so much more ALIVE, DOING more, SERVING others more, GROWING more, ENJOYING more, but just don't have the tools or emotional resources to shift?
I've been in that stuck place so many times, and what gets me out of it? The power of community. Whether it's going to a personal growth seminar, working with my coach, joining a prayer circle, or dancing at a wedding, I walk out on a high.

There's something addictively powerful about joining a group of people committed to uplifting themselves and each other. They hold you accountable to show up, be honest, and push beyond your imagined limits.
The truth is, we've all striving for more but are held back by the dragons telling us we deserve less.
The best way to overcome this illusion of alone-ness is to face your dragons with partners in crime!
There's nothing more moving than witnessing a peer have a major breakthrough. Better yet, getting support from a group as you courageously face and ...

I harness the power of community to help you learn and apply tools for transformation. You'll get to see them in action as I coach you and other participants. You'll apply them in break-out sessions, and you'll integrate them all week long through exercises you'll do on your own and with a partner.
"Thank you for the insight you have given me to help my own mental health and that of my clients."

I feel so much more at peace. I find myself talking myself through challenging thoughts and situations. I have used the strategies with my family. It has really been life changing. The course was very useful and helped me to see the process. The homework with a buddy was my favorite part!!
"I only needed to meet with Chana for one session, but that one session was life-changing."

"Chana is an energetic and tuned-in listener... Chana enabled me to "see" the thoughts I was telling myself and where they were coming from. I found clarity and gained the insight needed to change my way of thinking."
"Chana helped me reorganize my professional life and held me to it!"
"Chana administers a proper tuneup!"

Chana helps you develop tools and use those that you already have, to check in with yourself and administer a proper tuneup. You will work through the challenge space with Chana and understand that you've got a capable and confident ally who can direct your towards real change.
"Chana knows just the right questions to ask ..."

"I am continually blown away by her ability to be warm and welcoming, practical, and encouraging all at the same time. Chana knows just the right questions to ask to help me see an issue clearly. I have been inspired by her workshops, her books, and many deep one-on-one conversations. "
"Working with Chana has been one of the best decisions of my life!"
Learn how to transform your setbacks into strengths, reignite a passion for life, and live with clarity, peace, and joy!
With my cut-to-the-chase honesty, playful energy, and honed skills, I'll guide you through ten of the most transformative weeks of your life. I'll take complex ideas and bring them down into simple, easy-to-use tools you can apply daily. In this program, you'll learn how to:
- Clarify a Vision for Your Emotional Life
- Identify the Beliefs Blocking You
- Learn Tools to Shatter Unwanted Beliefs
- Build a Supportive Mindset
- Take Massive Action towards Peace and Joy
Give yourself the gift of blowing yourself away through 8 transformative weeks of Group Coaching.
What You’ll Get When You Sign Up:
Pinpoint the Beliefs Bringing You Down
Every emotion you feel is the product of a thought. If you can identify those beliefs you've got the key to unlock peace, and joy. In this course, you'll learn to identify exactly what you're believing so you can cut through the clutter, uncover your hidden fears, and understand your patterns.
Shatter Your Thinking Patterns
In this program, you'll learn to unravel your suffering by asking simple questions, a process called Inquiry. You'll understand why you believe what you do, question whether your beliefs are serving you, and shift into a mindset that serves your vitality, growth, and abundance.
Expand Your Perspective
Questioning your beliefs opens you to new ways of seeing. In this program, you'll tangibly feel your mind expanding. You'll explore perspectives that empower you to take responsibility for your life, make choices that revitalize you, and be more compassionate towards yourself and others.
Recognize Your Language Traps
Words have power. But we're usually unaware of the language we're using and the impact it has on us. In Slay Your Dragons, you'll identify the words that trap you in negative emotional patterns. You'll become more conscious of how to use words to shape a richer life experience.
Hear Your Inner Voice
Do you seek guidance outside of yourself? Are you thrown off-balance by people's expectations? Do you know how to listen to your body and it's messages? In this program, you'll get back in touch with your gut so you can make decisions in alignment with your values, dreams, and joy.
Grow Through Community
In the program, you'll learn tools to help yourself and how to guide others' growth through practice exercises in class, with a buddy between sessions, and in our community forum. Through our private platform, you'll engage in daily exercises, ask questions, gain support, and share successes.
Here’s what people are saying about Chana

Chana is a no BS coach.
She gets right to the core of the issue and handles it with grace and compassion. She's empathetic but also an amazing accountability partner. I highly recommend Chana to anyone who wants to take their life and their strengths to the next level!

Chana knows her stuff, is personable, and wants to see you succeed!

It was a gift!
Gratitude….is the word that comes to my mind after Chana’s retreat. Thank you for reminding me that there’s always a different perspective when facing any conflict … it was a gift!
So what's in the program, anyhow?
Module 1: Clarify a Vision for Your Emotional Life
There is nothing scarier than defining the parameters for failure. And the only way to accomplish that is to define the parameters for success. Let's be honest: most of us don't bother to dream because we're scared. That's where the power of community can be a great asset. We're all in this together, encouraging each other to face our dragons and slay them one at a time!
Module 2: Identify the Beliefs Blocking You
It's difficult to move a block on the road if you don't know what it is. In the second module of the course, you'll learn how to stop driving in the dark by identifying the thoughts getting in your way. You'll use The One Question to bring unconscious beliefs up to the surface. The you'll learn how to Rant it all out and how to break down your stories into clearly delineated beliefs you can question, shift, and rewrite.
Module 3: Learn Simple Step-by-Step Tools to Shatter Unwanted Beliefs
The road to hell might be paved with good intentions, but the road to heaven is paved with good questions! In this second module, you'll learn to ask key questions that free you from the stuck thinking that brings you down. You'll learn how to identify your unique Anatomy of Feedback so you can quickly know when your getting into thought traps. I'll give you the keys to become your own reaction detective so you can identify the emotional, physiological, and mental cues that show you the path out of misery and into freedom.
Module 4: Build a Supportive Mindset
We're all living according to our beliefs, so you might as well tell yourself stories that empower you to live with passion and joy. In this module, you'll learn just that. You'll learn to free yourself from your constrained thinking and explore new perspectives that challenge you to expand your mind and liberate your soul. You'll learn to rewrite the stories you tell yourself about life, people, and especially yourself!
Module 5: Take Massive Action to Bring New Perspectives into Reality
You know you've really gotten something when it manifests itself as action. As an Action Superhero you'll learn to actualize your new beliefs, so you can feel more alive, act with integrity, and experience more joy every day.
There's so much more awaiting you!
FREE Access to the
Hold That Thought Fundamentals Course
Learn how to gain mastery over your thinking by becoming a student of your mind in my online companion to my best-selling book, Hold That Thought. You'll gain exclusive access to recorded coaching sessions with clients facing many of the beliefs blocking you from experiencing peace and joy every day.
Mindset-Shifting Webinar
During the Covid-19 Pandemic
I offered a webinar to my audience during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to give them tools to get out of their mental boxes. I covered many of the tools I teach in Hold That Thought and coach participants through the beliefs causing their fears and distress. Get ready to take notes!

About The Course Teacher,
Chana Mason
Chana Mason is a Life and Business Coach and Author with a unique ability to turn complex ideas into easy-to-access tools for rapid transformation, many of which she includes in her books: The Size of Your Dreams, Hold That Thought, Inner Voices, and The Cash Machine. Through her straight talk, open heart, and addictive joy, Chana helps clients shift the beliefs getting in their way and take massive action in their lives and businesses. Her varied experience in technology, education, business, and publishing nurtures her spirited connection with clients and students globally.
Chana loves cooking gourmet vegan cuisine, hiking, gardening, writing, pottery, music, traveling, welcoming people into her home, and reading a great young adult novel!
Here’s what people are saying about Chana

I'm living my dream life!
Thank you for the life coaching sessions!! I'm living my dream life. I can tell every day that I have been strengthened and found a connection to some deep love from working with you!

Beit Shemesh
I've gotten more control over my thinking...
We together broke down my thought patterns and belief systems. I started to create the beliefs that I want in my life ... how I see things, how I view others and myself. I've gotten more control over my thinking and over my life in general!

Thank you so much ... !!!
It’s easy for me to share my inner world with you. I’m feeling empowered and that nothing is too much to handle and that this is within my control to change and I’m excited to work with you!
Give yourself the gift of blowing yourself away through 8 transformative weeks of Group Coaching.
Freedom of the Pen is like having my coaching voice in your ear without the individual coaching sticker price.
I'll be honest with you: One-on-one coaching simply rocks. I've been blessed to be mentored by fabulous coaches, and their support, insights, and accountability have helped me grow leaps and bounds. But I couldn't always invest the money into hiring a coach.
So what did I do?
I leaned on the personal growth groups my incredible friends and I created in our community. They gave me the courage to show up, challenge myself, and express my deepest desires. They held space while I revealed my ugliest parts and reflected back the beauty I didn't even know I had. Through their example, I learned how much we all struggle in our brokenness, yet rise through it to reveal glorious light.

I wanted my students and clients to experience the same immense power of community and began running groups in 2016. Many of the bonds created in those groups have lasted well beyond the scope of my programs, sometimes for years. Each participant, be it the entrepreneur from Belgium, the social worker from New York, or the stay-at-home-mom from Australia, has been deeply moved and inspired by the courageous work their peers bring to the table. They learn from and support each other during sessions, through our community boards, private practice sessions, or long phone calls!
So it's with pleasure that I offer you the opportunity to experience the splendor of a live program with a whole new cohort. Gift yourself with the time to slay your dragons and live more joyfully than you once thought possible!

You'll get:
8 2-hour Live Group Sessions
daily exercises and discussions
group support throughout the program
One Year Access to the entire platform
Bonus: Hold That Thought Fundamentals E-Course
Bonus: Mindset-Shifting Webinar
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get

Backed by my no-strings-attached 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
I believe there's no better proof than a taste of the pudding. I believe in this program so much, that I'm offering you a full refund, no strings attached. If, after the first session, you don't see you've gotten a ton of value out of it, that it's empowering you to build more freedom and joy into your life, then I'll give you your money back, no questions asked. Just be in touch!
Look at what past students have to say:

Beit Shemesh
These classes have changed my life.
It’s amazing how just learning about where the work really is, the blaming and fighting almost immediately stops. Personally my relationships got healthier and happier from just that first small step. And that includes the relationship with myself and my relationship with Gd ;) What hit me the strongest were the turnarounds and realizing these thoughts are here for me.

Chana Mason presents her mind-boggling material in an incredibly simple, clear, perfectly understandable form!
Her incredible techniques and thought processes are what we have in mind when we question why school doesn’t teach our youth how to think! I have had several fine coaches during my career. Still, I regret not having found Chana Mason for my first and only coach!

Mexico City
There are not enough words to explain how my life changed by meeting Chana
Being part of this retreat and sharing the experience with amazing women . Through different activities Chana gave us the most important secret of our lives. I learned how to analyze my thoughts, how to question them and how to look for solutions when my problems are holding me back from living in the present.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you're old enough to read and write and show up for yourself and others, then you're set. We've had teens, middle-aged folks, and octogenarians in the same cohort, so you're in great company.
This program is for anyone who wants to THRIVE, whether they're happy with their lives and want so much more or are struggling and want to overcome their challenges. Let's be honest, we've all got issues. If you ever struggle with frustration, anger, sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness, even for short periods of time, then the tools in this course can help you slip out of those states and into more peace, calm, and happiness.
Not at all. Every session, I'll pick a few volunteers who I coach in front of and with the support of the group. You can choose to volunteer or study as an observer. Once you see how incredibly supportive a group can be, you may wish to share, but it's always up to you.
I'd recommend it! When you learn personal growth tools with a friend, sibling, or spouse, you have new tools to help each other out when you're struggling. That way, you'll be able to take the tools you'll learn in this program with you for years to come. So please, share this with family, friends, and members of your community!
In so many ways, that's a blessing. You're coming in open and ready to learn incredible tools for transformation. I became a coach after years of failed attempts at therapy, seeking help from people who meant well, but whose basket of strategies kept me talking for hours without moving my life forward. That's why I'm so passionate about delivering a powerful experience to my clients and students every day!
You can learn a lot just attending the weekly 2-hour sessions and Q&A's, but the people who grow and THRIVE the most dedicate at least an hour a week - ideally thirty minutes a day - to practicing the skills I teach on their own, doing the daily exercises, partnering others in the group, and participating in the community forum.
You'll get your money back, no questions asked. Just be in touch with me directly to handle the refund.
You're always welcome to be part of our next cohort at a 20% discount. We can also discuss one-on-one coaching to help you skyrocket your growth!
Give yourself the gift of blowing yourself away through 8 transformative weeks of Group Coaching.
A personal note...
I created this program for the woman I was twenty years ago. The woman who struggled day after day with anxiety, depression, and an ice cream addiction. I can't help her today, but I can give you the tools that have literally saved my life since then. They've given me the resources, strength, and courage to live with presence, joy, and adventure. I wish the same for you!