Power Publishing
Want to Write a Book that Will Convert Readers into Clients?
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with Chana Mason
Ready Build a Book & Funnel that Convert?
From Conception to Publication,
Chana Guides You Every Step of the Way!
Understand Where Your Book is Going
If you’re looking to write the next great American Novel, I’m not your girl. I help those looking to use a book to drive clients in the door. The best way to write a book that will boost your business is to first figure out what role your book plays in your sales funnel and to write it second.

Acquire the Tools to Get There
Once you've got your target identified, you want to get all of your writing ducks in a row. Chana will help you get equipped with the key software, plan out your book, implement authority-building strategies, and create a sales funnel that takes your killer lead magnet and turns cold leads into piping hot ones!
Own the Publishing Process
This book is your baby. Do you really want to lose the rights to it? Do you want some big company who will take up to two years to publish it to be the one getting it to the public? And then only give you a tiny percentage of the profits? What if they do a botched job with the layout and cover design? What if they never bother to create an Ebook or Audiobook? What if they want your customers coming to their site rather than yours?
Chana will teach you how to manage all the pieces of getting your book out the door. You'll be able to get the layout, cover design, E-book, Audiobook, and printing done for a fraction of what the big publishers spend and in a fraction of the time!

Get a Keen Eye on Your Work
Let's be honest: Writing in a vacuum is challenging. It's hard to know if what you're trying to communicate is actually reaching the reader or if they're bored, unengaged, or distracted by your writing style. As an option, Chana offers editorial review of your book
Chana's been writing and editing for over two decades. She can help you identify what's working in your writing and what might be confusing your readers or making them stray off your funnel. Having written and self-published numerous books as well as mentored others through the process, she's quick to hone in on
Be Supported from Conception to Launch
You want to write a book. But it can feel like a huge, daunting task. And you have a business and personal life to deal with, too. How are you going to stay on top of your book project and actually see it through?
Chana supports you with an easy-to-follow roadmap with doable milestones that help you stay on target. You'll check in with yourself through weekly and update her on your progress so you're always on the same page. Best of all, you'll have someone on your side who will know the challenges you faced along the way and cheer your launch success with the fierce pride of a suburban soccer mom!

Ready Build a Book & Funnel that Convert?

Through her Business Strategy and Life Coaching Practice, Chana Mason works with clients and students around the world, guiding them to clarify a vision for their lives, unravel the thought patterns that hold them back, and giving them the tools and support to actualize their dreams.
Chana has studied the techniques of masters such as Byron Katie, Barry Neil Kaufman, and Tony Robbins, and has developed her own set of advanced tools that help her clients get directly to the heart of the matter. She is the author of Hold That Thought, which teaches readers how to gain Clarity, Peace, and Joy, by gaining Mastery over their Thinking, The Size of Your Dreams, a novel which teaches tools for Manifesting your Dreams; and The Cash Machine, a tale of Passion, Persistence, and Financial Independence.
"Thank you for the insight you have given me to help my own mental health and that of my clients."

I feel so much more at peace. I find myself talking myself through challenging thoughts and situations. I have used the strategies with my family. It has really been life changing. The course was very useful and helped me to see the process. The homework with a buddy was my favorite part!!
I am a licensed clinical social worker and I have implemented the strategies I learned into my own life and my private practice! I have been blown away when I guide a client through their stressful thought and how clearly they can see that it is only a thought that does not have power over them... clients are shocked they are looking at things differently and they feel so relived and free.
"I only needed to meet with Chana for one session, but that one session was life-changing."

"Chana is an energetic and tuned-in listener... Chana enabled me to "see" the thoughts I was telling myself and where they were coming from. I found clarity and gained the insight needed to change my way of thinking."
"Chana helped me reorganize my professional life and held me to it!"
"Chana administers a proper tuneup!"

Chana helps you develop tools and use those that you already have, to check in with yourself and administer a proper tuneup. You will work through the challenge space with Chana and understand that you've got a capable and confident ally who can direct your towards real change.
"Chana knows just the right questions to ask ..."

"I am continually blown away by her ability to be warm and welcoming, practical, and encouraging all at the same time. Chana knows just the right questions to ask to help me see an issue clearly. I have been inspired by her workshops, her books, her Shabbat table, and many deep one-on-one conversations. "
"I'm living my dream

"Thank you for the life coaching sessions!! I'm living my dream life. I can tell every day that I have been strengthened and found a connection to some deep love from working with you!"
"Working with Chana has been one of the best decisions of my life!"
"Since coming into my orbit Chana has helped me find new perspectives and makes my star shine brighter."

Ready Build a Book & Funnel that Convert?
Copyright © 2020 - Chana Mason
Questions? Email us at Inquiries@ChanaMason.com
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