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Business Propulsion
Working with me, you'll clarify a trajectory for your business, learn techniques to slash limiting beliefs blocking your venture, and acquire the tools, ideas, and accountability to fuel your success.
Hi. I'm Chana Mason.
I've been there. Knowing that I had wings, yet feeling shackled down by too many unknowns, a swarm of fears, and a mine field of uncertainty. I eventually got so fed up with my sluggish pace, I learned how to infuse jet fuel into everything I do. I'll help you get out there faster, with greater impact.
I've been creating and managing projects and ventures since I was fifteen. As the daughter of entrepreneurs, I grew up assuming that if I wanted something to happen in the world, it was up to me to take the proverbial bull by its horns and manifest it. But I often lacked the skills, confidence, or motivation to see things through. Years of disciplined study and action made all the difference.
My training in engineering, management consulting, theatrical director, and non-profit management gave me technical skills. Years of learning under top coaches built my confidence. And clarifying my vision and purpose has beefed up my motivation to show up for myself, my business, and my clients.
I bring all of this knowledge and skillset to the table in our sessions, be it in helping you clarify the mission of your company, to identifying the next stages in your business development, to pushing you to overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back, and to brainstorming creative solutions to your venture's challenges or new avenues for growth.
All the while I'll have your back and hold you accountable to the goals you've set for yourself so you can move forward with confidence and strength!
Ready to Launch Your Business into the Stratosphere?
Yogi Berra famously said, "if you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up some place else."
The flourishing of your business begins with vision. A clearly defined vision will inspire you to reach for greatness, guide your every step, and help you measure success.
First off, we'll clarify a vision for your business. We'll identify your ideal customer, what exactly you're offering them, and price points for your products or services. We'll set measurable goals, including impact and financial metrics. Then, we'll draw a roadmap, identify milestones, and set a timeline in place.
Business and organizational leaders come to me seeking creative insights, out-of-the-box ideas, and innovative solutions to their challenges.
My varied experiences in everything from theater to technology to business and design have turned my mind into a veritable Bunsen burner of resourcefulness.
I'll encourage you to explore your business from different angles. We'll check out alternative options for positioning yourself and your offerings. I'll push you to question your assumptions, investigate your audience and their motivations, and simply play!
Are you one of the 70% of people who believe they're incapable of massive success?
A compelling vision is awesome, but if your hands are tied, it'll sputter on the launch pad.
Most of us suffer from imposter syndrome, the fear that we're not qualified enough, saavy enough, or deserving enough of getting paid for what we have to offer.
Before activating your vision, we'll identify the beliefs blocking you and shift your mindset to one that'll blast your business into orbit.
Solid businesses are buttressed by solid systems. Do you have structures in place that support your voyage?
Together, we'll identify what you need - from software to staffing - to set boost your branding, packaging, and marketing.
We'll turn. your vision into clear, actionable steps, with daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.
We'll also assess the communication, marketing, and data management tools you're currently using and see what needs tweaking or replacing.
The biggest thing holding entrepreneurs back is their sluggish pace. Perhaps you want to get everything just right before it goes out the door. Or you're not sure how your audience will receive what you have to offer, so you hold back. Or you simply don't know what to charge?
Or, if we're honest, you're just scared in a million little ways.
Enough with that. You're aiming for the stratosphere. But how do you know which rocket will take you there?
Which is why you've got to push stuff out the door. And fast. Now. Now, now, as South Africans like to say.
A whole bunch of what you ship - from products to marketing materials - are going to flop. And some will magically strike a chord. You won't know until you try.
And I'll give you the strategies, courage, and accountability to do just that.
Through her Business Strategy and Life Coaching Practice, Chana Mason works with clients and students around the world, guiding them to clarify a vision for their lives, unravel the thought patterns that hold them back, and giving them the tools and support to actualize their dreams.
Chana holds a BA in Theater and Engineering from Dartmouth College. After working for Bain & Co. management consulting in Sydney, she worked business development, technology, education, and graphic design. After mentoring others in the personal development for decades, she threw herself passionately into coaching and into sharing the tools for health and success she's gleaned and developed.
She is the author of Hold That Thought, which teaches readers how to gain Clarity, Peace, and Joy, by gaining Mastery over their Thinking, The Size of Your Dreams, a novel which teaches tools for Manifesting your Dreams; and The Cash Machine, a tale of Passion, Persistence, and Financial Independence.
Ready to Launch Your Business into the Stratosphere?
Chana helped me reorganize my professional life and held me to it!
Batsheva, Massage Therapist
Since coming into my orbit Chana has helped me find new perspectives and makes my star shine brighter.
Rebekah, Personal Organizer, Business Coach & Author
She administers a proper tuneup!
Chana helps you develop tools and use those that you already have, to check in with yourself and administer a proper tuneup. You will work through the challenge space with Chana and understand that you've got a capable and confident ally who can direct your towards real change.
Sammy, Programmer
An INCREDIBLE coach!! Chana knows her stuff, is personable, and wants to see you succeed!
Jacob, Salesman
She's gifted us time and again with wise counsel that has shaped our lives and our business.
The Masons are true visionaries. A powerful mix of both practical and imaginative thinking; both grounding and wildly expansive. When I look back at the decisive moments in my personal and professional development I can see the caring signature of the Masons written on much of it.
Chaya, Therapist & Author
Chana is a tremendous resource and support.
Chana helped me to conceptualize and execute the self-publishing process. From the writing to formatting, publishing and marketing, Chana is a tremendous resource and support.
Azi, Coach, Podcaster, & Author
Whether you're in business to sell stuff or offer services, the questions are always the same: How do you set your pricing? How do you get the word out? What exactly should you be offering? Who's going to buy from you, anyhow? How do you balance building your business with the other aspects of your life?
You have within you the spirit of adventure unique to entrepreneurs. We'll work together to get all that creative gusto channeled into a clear plan of action and set into place with solid systems and timelines.
At the same time, if you're like most oof us, you're also hampered by the fear of failure, disappointment, and inadequacy. I've got a slew of tools in my belt to help you identify the beliefs getting in your way and developing a mindset conducive to success.
Over our journey together, I'll hold you accountable to the milestones you set and encourage you to not just dream of landing on Mars, but get yourself geared to take flight!
Ready to Launch Your Business into the Stratosphere?
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© 2025, Chana Mason