Join Chana Mason, Bracha Meshchaninov,

& Chaya Sury Smith in Montebello, NY!

Sun, August 11th, 2024, 10am-5pm

Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Joy; Rejuvenate your Body; and Connect with your Soul through inner work geared for the 9 Days.

Let’s be honest:

Deep inside you know you’re an absolute gem.

You want to shine your unique gifts, radiate vitality, and welcome abundance into your life.

Yet you aren’t your brightest self. Maybe you’ve become hardened from setbacks and disappointments. Maybe you question your talents, your light, your unique gifts. Maybe you need a boost of joyinspirationconnection, and community.

That’s where the Soul & Body Bootcamp comes in. You'll move with yoga and dance, go deep with breathwork, and learn tools for conscious living. Count on us to offer you mama-loving, meet you with an open heart, and encourage your best.

What You'll Experience

Body & Soul Bootcamp balances movement and meditation with interactive personal growth lessons that help you live more consciously

Rejuvenate your Body

Your body works hard every day to keep you energized, healthy, and thriving. Bootcamp gives so much back to the body through yoga, movement, and play. We share in nourishing, plant-based meals that gladden your palate and revitalize your body. 

Cultivate Calm, Clarity, & Joy

At Bootcamp laughter and introspection aren't just side effects, they're core medicine. You'll enjoy countless moments of connection, questioning your thinking, and exploring yourself with curiosity.

Connect with your soul

Through meditation, breathwork, and partner-work, you'll plug in to higher states of consciousness, experience increased levels of serenity, heal old wounds, and attune access your inner beauty.

Tentative Bootcamp Schedule

Get an idea of how you'll be engaging with your mind, body, and soul during Bootcamp!


Morning Yoga: Begin by Connecting with Your Body

Bracha will help you get in touch with your body, attune yourself to its needs, and prepare it for a day of introspection and growth


Personal Growth Workshop: Stretch Your Vessel

Chana will help you question the beliefs and narratives that drive your less desirable emotions and behaviors. You'll begin to build a deeper love for yourself and others, opening the doorway for connection and community.


Meditation: Expand Your Mind

Chaya Sury will guide you through a meditative experience to bring calm & ease to your body and deep connection with your soul. 


Artistic Expression: Integrate through Creativity

Bring lessons from your head into your heart through play, art, and games and help you see yourself in new ways and connect you with others.


Plant Based Meals: Nourish to Energize

Feed your body the bounty of nature so you have the lightness and energy to continue to expand your capabilities.


Breathwork: Heal through Divine CPR

Invite your body into deep states of relaxation so it can experience the beauty and love all around you. In the loving, safe container of Chana's Breathwork Journeys, experience a release of tension, pain, and trapped emotions. 

Rejuvenate your Body, 

Connect with your Soul

Connect with Yourself in the Support of Community

Chana and her team will support you as you open your heart, face your fears, shatter your mental blocks, and dream courageously. 

Here’s what people are saying about Chana



Chana is a no BS coach. 

She gets right to the core of the issue and handles it with grace and compassion. She's empathetic but also an amazing accountability partner. I highly recommend Chana to anyone who wants to take their life and their strengths to the next level!



Thank you so much!!

It’s easy for me to share my inner world with you. I’m feeling empowered and that nothing is too much to handle and that this is within my control to change and I’m excited to work with you!



I'm living my dream life!

Thank you for the life coaching sessions!! I'm living my dream life. I can tell every day that I have been strengthened and found a connection to some deep love from working with you!

Rejuvenate your Body, Connect with your Soul

Meet our Bootcamp Team

Chana Mason, Coach & Author

Chana Mason is a Coach with a unique ability to turn complex ideas into easy-to-access tools for rapid transformation, many of which she includes in her books: The Size of Your Dreams, Hold That Thought, Inner Voices, and The Cash Machine. Through her straight talk, open heart, and addictive joy, Chana helps clients shift the beliefs getting in their way and take massive action in their lives and businesses. She teaches embodied living through Breathwork, Meditation, and psychedelic assisted therapy and loves holding a maternal space for others to heal and grow. Chana loves cooking gourmet vegan cuisine, hiking, gardening, writing, pottery, music, traveling, welcoming people into her home, and reading a great young adult novel!

Bracha Meshchaninov, Yoga Instructor

Bracha is a Yoga Therapist and holistic Torah educator, who aims to teach "Kosher Yoga" and enliven and make personally relevant the Teachings of Torah and Kaballah; to infuse the physical aspects of our lives with Spiritual inspiration and to deepen our appreciation of Traditional Jewish teachings through text study combined with journaling, meditation, movement and breath. Bracha founded and runs, "Tiferet Movement" yoga studio for Jewish Women in Rockland county and online, as well as the Women's Torah Learning Circle which aims to expose women in the Rockland area, regardless of background, to authentic and inspiring Torah learning.

Hinda Miriam Zicherman, Bootcamp Coordinator

Hinda Miriam is a wife and mother of 4 beautiful kids bli ein horah. She's most passionate about authentic truth and experiencing a deeper connection to the light within and around us. Hinde Miriam believes every experience and challenge is yet another opportunity for growth and wisdom! She was privileged to spend 15 years teaching and sharing Hashem's light and love with many students in high school classrooms. Today, she's the coordinator and director of a school for kids with special needs. Given all of this, she says, "I was naturally driven to coordinate a day of inspiration and integration of body and soul with the best of my teachers, Chana and Bracha, and am truly looking forward to share this experience with you!"

Chaya Sury Smith, Bootcamp Coordinator

Chaya Sury is a Mastery Coach and Somatic Healer. As a woman she knows you care deeply to show up for your family in the best version of yourself. At the same time, inside you might be feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin. You are trying your very best but something isn't working. As your coach, she helps you tap into your truth so you can live life in alignment and balance, master the skills necessary to make sense of your inner world, and grow your capacity to hold yourself through life's trials and triumphs effectively so you can experience healing for any past wounding that might be hindering your progress. Best of all, she helps you gain access to the most precious part of yourself - your soul! She looks forward to meeting you with curiosity

Here's what past workshop participants have said:


Beit Shemesh

These classes have changed my life. 

It’s amazing how just learning about where the work really is, the blaming and fighting almost immediately stops. Personally my relationships got healthier and happier from just that first small step. And that includes the relationship with myself and my relationship with Gd ;) What hit me the strongest were the turnarounds and realizing these thoughts are here for me.


Beit Shemesh

I came out feeling empowered

Chana's energetic and positive personality makes her very easy to work with, even for a more reserved person. I came out of our workshop feeling empowered to work on my goals and all these months later I am still hearing her voice in my head, coaching me and cheering me on!



It was a gift!

Gratitude….is the word that comes to my mind after Chana’s workshop. Thank you for reminding me that there’s always a different perspective when facing any conflict … it was a gift ??????



Experiencing Chana Mason’s workshop was a great gift!!!!

Hearing others examples on how we use our thoughts to bring pain to ourselves by making assumptions and interpretations can really limit our lives. The whole experience was nourishing and helped me interact with different women in so many ways, but especially with myself. It gave the chance to focus on my objectives and putting action to make them possible. I'm so happy I did It and spend time with Chana, a great human being with a great vibe and many tools to help others.



There are not enough words to explain how my life changed by meeting Chana

Being part of this workshop and sharing the experience with amazing women . Through different activities Chana gave us the most important secret of our lives. I learned how to analyze my thoughts, how to question them and how to look for solutions when my problems are holding me back from living in the present.


United States

She is a dynamo!

Chana Mason’s course was time and money well spent! Chana’s training, experience and passion for teaching, coaching and facilitating others is an effective combination. She is a dynamo! I have learned so much and added some tools to my tool belt to help me on my journey within - my journey home. Thank you, Chana! 

I've been there.

In tackling a decades long battle with depression and anxiety, I’ve asked the hard questions about how we humans learn and grow best. I'm passionate about creating a life full of joy, peace, abundance, and deep connection with myself, those around me, and the Divine. As a born educator, my abounding excitement for learning spills out, be it in a formal education environment, or in one-on-one interactions with my students or clients.

My aim with Soul & Body Bootcamp is to challenge you to grow, stretch yourself, and open your heart to a richer, more meaningful life experience filled with vitality, connection, and heart.

I look forward to having you join us!

Here’s what people are saying about Chana



I feel so much better about myself than I have in a very long time

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the most amazing, enlightening, and liberating … session.  I cannot tell you how I have LITERALLY become a different person since then. I’m a tough cookie and not all coaches or therapists or healers or whomevers can manage to reach where you did. Whatever, the case, it worked. Sending you a BIG HUGE HUG, cause that’s what your coaching was to me.”


Beit Shemesh

I've gotten more control over my thinking...

We together broke down my thought patterns and belief systems. I started to create the beliefs that I want in my life ... how I see things, how I view others and myself. I've gotten more control over my thinking and over my life in general!

Malka Sima

Golan Heights

Her energy is contagious.

Chana is witty, compassionate, bright, and full of vitality. She brings all of herself to every endeavor whether it’s an inspirational YouTube video, a book on transforming your life, or a one-on-one mentoring session. Working with her makes me want to reach my highest potential, and maybe more importantly, believe that it’s possible.





One sentence summary of what they get

  • Relish the full experience of Bootcamp
  • Healthy, plant-based meals
  • Deepen your connection with your Body & Soul
  • (NOTE: Does not include sleeping accommodations)    



one DAY
Private session
with Chana

One sentence summary of what they get

  • Relish the full experience of Bootcamp
  • Healthy, plant-based meals
  • Deepen your connection with your Body & Soul
  • (NOTE: Does not include sleeping accommodations)  
  •  A discounted one-hour session with Chana to help you integrate the beauty of Bootcamp




One sentence summary of what they get

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules




One sentence summary of what they get

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group




One sentence summary of what they get

  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • 1h Coaching Calls

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I hope to get from the workshop?

During the retreat, you'll:
* Get more in tune with your body, learn to listen to its signals, and live in alignment with your soul.
* Learn practical skills for deepening your connection with the Divine, so you can come home with a clearer, calmer, and happier mind.
*Connect with your soul's vision for your life and set a plan in motion to manifest it.
*Move, move, move through yoga, dance, laughter, and more!

Who is this workshop for?

If you're old enough to want to grow your connection to yourself, your body, and your soul, we'd love to have you join us! And if you're young enough to laugh, dance, and smile, all the more so!

Can I bring my children?

If they are daughters above 16 years of age, by all means! Otherwise, take these days for yourself, to be away from the usual routines, to relax into inner peace and quiet, and to enjoy a fun time with the ladies!

What should I wear?

We'll be moving throughout the retreat, so please wear comfortable clothing you can easily move around in. Please pack a yoga mat (borrow one if you don't own one), a pillow, a blanket, and oodles of curiosity!

Will I be able to use my mobile phone?

One of our aims is to help you quiet your mind and become present with yourself. You may use your phone in the morning before we begin, in the evening after we end the day, and during our lunch break. Otherwise, phones are to remain OFF. We recommend you appoint an emergency contact (your spouse, sibling, etc) for people to reach out to.

What if I've never been to a Bootcamp before?

You won't be alone! You'll be joining a welcoming group of women all seeking to grow, deepen their relationship with themselves, have a great time, and stretch themselves past their usual limitations. You'll never be asked to do anything you don't want to. 

What if I've never been to a Bootcamp before?

You won't be alone! You'll be joining a welcoming group of women all seeking to grow, deepen their relationship with themselves, have a great time, and stretch themselves past their usual limitations. You'll never be asked to do anything you don't want to. 

Can you accommodate my dietary requirements?

Yes! When you get your confirmation email, write to us and let us know your specific needs. We'll do everything we can to accommodate. Note that the caterer's kitchen can not be guaranteed to be gluten free.

Can I join for only a part of the workshop?

We are creating a strong community of women supporting each other during the entire retreat. For this reason, we ask that you participate fully.

Will there be overnight accommodations?

We may be able to help you find local accommodations. Please be in touch after you register.

What meals are included in the workshop?

You'll have healthy plant-based cuisine provided for a light breakfast and full lunch as well as fruit, coffee, and tea throughout the day.

What's your cancellation policy?

Cancellations up to July 5thth will get a 100% refund. After that, there's no refund unless you find someone to fill your spot.

A personal note...

I'm always serving the woman I was twenty years ago, the woman who struggled day after day feeling far from Creation, disconnected from myself, and in-and-out of depression. I look forward to sharing with you the tools that have literally saved my life since then. They've given me the resources, strength, and courage to live with connection, joy, and adventure. I wish the same for you!


Rejuvenate your Body, 

Connect with your Soul

Copyright 2024 by Chana Mason
